Webcast - Which Sales Processes Get The Best Revenue Uplift?


With process mining, we can help you easily identify the variants and sales behaviors that cause better sales conversion or customer satisfaction scores. This allows you to redesign your processes and training around the most successful path, to win and keep more customers.


How Process Mining Can Make Every Salesperson Your Top Performer

Winning and keeping customers is ever more critical. Every organization has star salespeople - who seem to have the ability to close more customer deals and win bigger contracts.

The challenge that many organizations face is understanding what those people do differently to achieve results, so that success can be replicated across the whole team. While natural aptitude for interpersonal influence will play a part, variants within the sales process will also be key.

Every day, you collect valuable data in salesforce that could help you identify process variants that create an uplift in sales effectiveness. But making those variants visible is not always easy, nor is modeling the potential uplifts from adopting them more widely.

This webcast is ideal for sales directors or chief revenue officers, sales operations or customer success leaders, and Salesforce CRM systems owners in large organizations.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to mine your salesforce data more effectively to get to the real value it holds
  • How to get clarity on the most effective sales processes so you can replicate them across all teams
  • How you can use process mining not only to improve sales conversion but also to improve customer service KPIs.

You will receive the link to join the webcast and all other details by email. Can't make the broadcast? Register anyway, and you will be sent the recording to watch at your convenience.

Any questions? We are happy to help – contact us at:webinar@signavio.com

About the speakers

Chris Collinsis Chairman of i-Realise and specializes in business transformation. Chris was the originator of the i-Realise business transformation approach which originated in a strong desire to maximize the benefits companies get from automation and information systems. Before the phrase 'process reengineering' had been coined, Chris was drawing up business processes on huge sheets of brown paper! Since then, Chris has been combining structured analysis with change management and coaching people from C-Level to the shop floor through business transformation. His current drive is to bring Agile thinking into the realm of transformation to de-risk projects and make them more relevant to current challenges.

Derek Owenis a Sr. Solutions Consultant with Signavio. He has extensive customer experience within a variety of early-stage VC-funded technology startups, within Information Security, Cloud and Mobility. Whether building pre-sales teams or post-sales delivery functions, he enjoys the challenge of helping his clients understand how to get the most out of the solution at hand to achieve their goals.

At a Glance:


Webinar - Which Sales Processes Get The Best Revenue Uplift?


11:00 am EST

How long

40 minutes + Q&A


Chris Collins, Chairman of i-Realise; Derek Owen, Sr. Sales Consultant, Signavio


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